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Submission to the “Freedom Of Religion And Belief In The 21st Century” project initiated by the Australian Human Rights Commission (AU/FGOV/SUB-01-B)

Details of Submitter

Submitted by:

Reverend James Aaron Long


Tamworth NSW 2340



On behalf of:

Claire de Lune Society of Wicca

Tamworth NSW 2340

(All correspondence to submitter's address)


Founded in September 2007, the Claire de Lune Society is a Wiccan church aimed at providing a place for Wiccans and interested persons in the Tamworth and surrounding areas to gather in unified worship and practice of the Craft. We are a highly inclusive group who gladly welcomes people of all faiths, backgrounds, races and sexual preferences/identities to attend our services.

Evaluation of 1998 HREOC Report on Article 18: Freedom of Religion and Belief

  1. What are areas of concern regarding the freedom to practice and express faith and beliefs, within your faith community and other such communities?

The vilification of our faith by evangelical Christian organizations, the possibility of criminal acts committed against the Society and it's members by evangelical Christians motivated by religious hatred, ignorance or fear, and the distortion of facts regarding our faith by sensationalist media outlets (though this has not yet occurred).

  1. Have new issues emerged since this report was published in 1998 relating to expression of faith?

There has been n increase in evangelical Christian targeting of practitioners of witchcraft in religious contexts. Secularist organizations have also become a concern, since their goals in some ways resemble those of Christian extremists: they would have religious people's rights stripped down to a bare minimum.

  1. Is there adequate protection against discrimination based on religion or belief, and protection of ability to discriminate in particular contexts?

    Not in regards to provision of aid by faith-based charitable organizations. Anecdotal evidence points to refusal of aid to homosexuals by the Salvation Army and the unfavourable tretment afforded to nonbelievers by the St. Vincent de Paul Society.

  1. How are federal and state and territory governments managing incitement to religious hatred, and the question of control and responsibility?

    The NSW state government has failed to pass anti-vilification laws protecting minority faiths due to the heavy influence of extremist political Christian entities, notably among them the Christian Democratic Party under Rev. the Hon. Fred Nile. This is made evident through a close examination of both previous and current legislative trends.

  1. How well have the recommendations of Article 18: Freedom of Religion and Belief been implemented by the various state and federal governments?

Laws discriminating against Wiccans and other Neo-Pagan groups have been repealed, allowing the use of a full range of ritual tools in public. This has greatly benefitted our practices and the growth of our faith.

Religion and the State – the Constitution, roles and responsibilities

  1. How should the Australian Government protect freedom of religion and belief?

By ensuring not only that anti-vilification laws are passed at the national level, but that those laws are clearly and concisely written so as to minimize reliance upon judicial discretion.

  1. When considering the separation of religion and state, are there any issues that presently concern you?

  1. Do religious or faith-based groups have undue influence over government and/or does the government have undue influence over religious or faith based groups?

Christian extremists have had undue influence over state and federal government operations for some time.

  1. Would a legislated national Charter of Rights add to these freedoms of religion and belief?

Only if protections for minority faiths and the non-religious, protection for those requiring disaster/destitution aid and protection from political extremism were codified into the Charter.

Roles and responsibilities

6. a) What are the roles, rights and responsibilities of religious, spiritual and civil society (including secular) organisations in implementing the commitment to freedom of religion and belief?

By ensuring that one's religious and political ideologies are not a barrier to receiving destitution/disaster aid, medical care or other services that would otherwise not be provided. They must also take care to prevent inciting hatred towards other groups, even those whose very existence is taboo within their faith.

b) How should this be managed?

Through anti-discrimination legislation passed at the federal level.

7. How can these organisations model a cooperative approach in responding to issues of freedom of religion and belief?

By learning to accept systems of belief and worship existing outside their paradigm and refraining to attempt relegating those who practice them to the status of second-class citizens.

8. How well established and comprehensive is the commitment to interfaith understanding and inclusion in Australia at present and where should it go from here?

It is very poor – at present there are only mechanisms in place for resolving issues with majority religions and further investigation into political Christian extremism is greatly warranted.

  1. How should we understand the changing role and face of religion, nationally and internationally?

By focussing more on non-Abrahamic religion and the manner in which it's practitioners are treated, not only by other faiths, but by society.

Religion and the State - practice and expression

  1. What are some consequences of the emergence of faith-based services as major government service delivery agencies?

Practitioners of minority faiths and same-sex couples are at times discriminated against and at worst, actively persecuted.

  1. How should government accommodate the needs of faith groups in addressing issues such as religion and education, faith schools, the building of places of worship, religious holy days, religious symbols and religious dress practices?

By providing a measure of equality for minority groups and homosexuals.

  1. Is current legislation on burial practice and autopsy practice adequate? Are any other of your religious practices inhibited by law, procedural practice or policy (i.e. education or health)?

After the NSW government legalized the use of ceremonial blades in public, the current legal climate is optimal. However, this is not the same for all states and some occult practices are still illegal in Tasmania. This needs to change in order to avoid the continuation of state-endorsed discrimination.

Security issues in the aftermath of September 11

1. a) Have the changes in federal and state laws affected any religious groups, and if so how?

The climate of paranoia following 9/11 has adversely affected the public image of Islamic communities to the extent that open violence and hatred against Muslims has occurred.

b) How should this be addressed?

By enabling the average person to recognize the difference between a Muslim and an Islamist.

2. How should the Government balance physical security and civil liberties?

By ensuring that security measures do not interfere with civil liberties or human rights. The indefinite detention of terror suspects in Guantanamo Bay Prison has severely marred Australia's human rights record and assured us a place in history as the nation who followed the United States into darkness. To quote Benjamin Franklin: “Those who trade liberty for security deserve neither.”

3. Consider and comment on the relationship between law and religious or faith based communities, and issues such as legal literacy, civil liberties, dissemination of law to new immigrant communities, and the role and conduct of judiciary, courts and police.

Many Wiccans are not only well versed in the beliefs and practices of other faiths, but also knowledgeable about the laws that most apply to them, and therefore are able to capably defend themselves if a legal issue pertaining to their faith (eg. children taken by ignorant social workers, police who do not know about ceremonial blade regulations) should arise.

  1. a) Is there religious radicalism and political extremism in Australia?

b) If so, what are the risks to Australia?

If Christian political extremism is not kept in check, more and more civil liberties – and eventually, human rights – will be curtailed. The proposed mandatory internet filter is an example of the disturbing pervasiveness of these practices within federal and state governments.

  1. Can you provide any examples of social exclusion in regard to religion? How and why do issues of social exclusion develop?

    Homosexuals are the ones who suffer the most in this regard, due to the bigoted and hateful practices of Christian organizations. This can – and often does – reach down to the family level. The length of time it has taken to repeal the majority of laws disciminating against them and the current parliament's failure to grant same-sex marriage rights owes much to Christian influence.

Technology and its implications

  1. How have the new technologies affected the practice and dissemination of religious and faith communities?

The advent of the World Wide Web has been instrumental in making Wicca one of the fastest-growing religions in Australia.

  1. Has new technology had an impact on your religion and/or your religious practice?

I found my faith online.

  1. What issues are posed by new religions and spiritualities using new technologies?

The dissemination of Christian propaganda vilifying Wiccan belief and practice.

  1. Is your freedom to express your religion or beliefs hindered or helped by current media policies and practices, considering reporting, professional knowledge, ownership, and right of reply?

It has been helped greatly: I was interviewed by the Northern Daily Leader in May 2008, and the general tone of the article was very positive, the information succinct and accurate.

  1. What impact do the media have on the free practice of religion in Australia and the balanced portrayal of religious beliefs and practice?

I believe the media is much more willing to portray other faiths more accurately than it was ten or twenty years ago.

  1. Are there religious or moral implications in the development of new technologies such as the internet and or mobile phones, especially in regard to religious vilification and hatred?

Hateful propaganda is distributed far more easily, especially via the Web.

Religion, cultural expression and human rights

  1. Are there any issues in regard to participation in the faith community for people with disabilities?

Many chronically ill people of various faiths have expressed dissatisfaction with insensitive and ignorant attitudes in their faith communities.

  1. How is diverse sexuality perceived within faith communities?

In Wicca, there are only four known sexual taboos: rape, incest, bestiality and paedophilia. Sexual diversity is strongly encouraged.

  1. How can faith communities be inclusive of people of diverse sexualities?

By altering medically and psychologically harmful policies that preclude the use of prophylactics and birth control methods and advocate the officially disproven notion that homosexuality is a mental illness.

  1. Should religious organisations (including religious schools, hospitals and other service delivery agencies) exclude people from employment because of their sexuality or their sex and gender identity?

If they wish to do so, then they must not receive government funding, as this will translate into state-endorsed discrimination.

  1. Do you consider environmental concern to be an influence shaping spiritualities and value systems?

Wiccan practice and belief is tied directly to nature, and thus environmental concerns are paramount. Environmental issues have become so prominent that even some Christian groups have shed thair skepticism over climate change. Sadly, they are in the minority.

  1. a) Are there religious groups, practices and beliefs that you think are of concern to Australians?

b) Should these be subjected to legislative control, and should they be eligible for government grants and assistance?

Legislative control is vital to ensure that those who practice child abuse and other criminal activities are not allowed to hide behind freedom of religion. These organizations should not receive government funding under any circumstances.

End of submission